Super Gentle Rubdown Therapy

10 years ago
705 139

I Enjoy the very first gig the most. Love =)

MayIProneU 3 years ago
No.2 is it for me. As a white male with this hardon, raging red. I'm saying now No to mainstream American porn and the porn actresses/models. Can't stand it fakel lips,hair, boobs,butts and all the fake oohs and aahs with dry sandpaper pussies. Asian women are hotter and I have switched totally. Can't wait til I can get English subs for any of the vids or movies I view and like also I'm ready to explore and find the models to watch and fantasize over subscribe to and dump or blast all my thick hot loads for.
MayIProneU 3 years ago
Oh my my! There is nothing better for my eyes than to watch an aroused woman touch herself. Then to continue watching in anticipation to see where her every touch leads to the next. No doubt she was perfectly selected for this particular scenario.
MayIProneU 3 years ago
Myself I became solid and heavy as scene two went to the steam room and the lovely woman began to apply the oil to her own body and reluctance quickly changed to need or better yet....obsession. Couldn't wait for scene to unfold to comment. I'm ready to see this and will return soon to comment